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What Made You Feel ‘Rich’ Growing Up?
December 17, 2022

Were there products or activities that you thought were for rich people? Did certain things make you feel ‘rich’ when you were a kid? In this episode, Eva and Don discuss the things – from crayons to Ziploc bags – that they thought were reserved for rich people. What products did you think were for […]

When Did You Start Making Your Own Breakfast?
December 16, 2022

How long did your mom or dad or grandparents make your breakfast? Until you left for college? Were you on your own by middle school? In this episode, Eva has asked her friends when they stopped getting breakfast made for them, and the answers have prompted her to bother Don about it. Welcome to the […]

Trailer: What is Chat & Bother? Meet Eva and Don.
December 16, 2022

  Welcome to Chat & Bother! In this short episode, you will meet your hosts, Eva and Don, find out what the show is about, and learn how we came up with the name for the podcast. Follow our Facebook page for updates! Is there silence after your Tweets, Facebook posts, WhatsApp messages, or group chat […]


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“They find ways to bring light and comedy to everyday life…” – Review on Audible

Essence Film Festival Fronds for 2024 Jury Prize for Best Podcast
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