How to Market Your Podcast WITHOUT Social Media

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So, you’ve taken the plunge into podcasting. Congratulations! Now, as you fine-tune your episodes and have fun creating content, there’s one crucial aspect you can’t afford to overlook—marketing your podcast. You’ve made something great, so people should hear it, right? Don’t get scared, get happy! But wait – looks like you picked the worst time to take a social media break, huh? Well, I’m going to show you an effective marketing strategy that doesn’t involve getting back on or figuring out social media right now if you don’t want to.

Plan for Your Podcast Website

Have you set up your website yet? Most podcast hosts like ours provide a website with your colors and artwork. Consider your podcast website as the headquarters of your online presence. Make sure that it is user-friendly, visually appealing, and, most importantly, optimized for search engines. Now that Google Podcasts is going away, you don’t have a lot of opportunities to get your podcast indexed and ranked in Google, unless you are using YouTube for your podcast. With a website, you can get your episodes and show notes indexed by either waiting or submitting your website. Craft great descriptions for your episodes, incorporate relevant keywords, and make it easy for visitors to subscribe and share.

Use Email to Reach Out

While social media might not be your forte, email marketing is a friendly ally. Create an email list and encourage your listeners to subscribe. Send out regular newsletters highlighting upcoming episodes, behind-the-scenes insights, and exclusive content. Personalize your emails to establish a deeper connection with your audience. Don’t spam anyone or add them to your mailing list without their permission. One personalized email with a link to an episode that you think they would enjoy is appropriate. Allow them to opt in and subscribe to your email list on their own. We use mailchimp because it has a lot of integrations. We also use automations so that mailchimp sends out our newsletter with our latest episodes and articles for us.

Be a Podcast Guest

Collaboration is key in podcasting. Look for opportunities to be a guest on other podcasts within your niche. Don’t waste time making guest appearances on podcasts that don’t have a niche that is related to the content that you make. If you collaborate with the right podcast, it not only expands your audience but also builds relationships with fellow podcasters. Be prepared, ask for questions or topics in advance, and make sure that the host you collaborate with has all of your information and a bio so that they can add relevant information about you to their show notes.

Ask for Shares

You have not, because you ask not! There is nothing wrong with asking people who enjoy your podcast to share it with others. I ask people to share the podcast AT LEAST once a day. Most of the time it is on social media, but you can ask for shares in several ways. You can put the request in your email footer. Have a business card on you when you go out and ask people who strike up a conversation with you if they would like to listen to your podcast on their way home. Encourage your current listeners to spread the word. Ask them to leave reviews, share their favorite episodes with friends and family, and talk about your podcast in their circles. Word of mouth is still a very effective marketing tool.

Contribute to Established Online Communities

If you are avoiding mainstream social media platforms, consider exploring other online communities related to your podcast’s niche. Forums, discussion boards, and specialized groups can provide a platform to share your episodes and engage with potential listeners. But NEVER spam a group. Look for days that are reserved for sharing episodes, and make sure that when you aren’t promoting, you are providing value to the group. Share an interesting article, or your favorite podcasting tools, or ask a question that others may want the answer to as well. Start conversations and share your expertise.

Make an Appearance in Traditional Media

Don’t underestimate the impact of traditional media. Are you an expert on a trending topic? Reach out to local newspapers, radio stations, or community newsletters and let them know how you can contribute to the conversation. Offer them a glimpse into your podcast’s unique content and how it relates to current events. A well-placed article or interview can attract audiences whom you may not have reached otherwise.

Focus on Great Graphics

Even if you aren’t on social media much, you will still need to incorporate visual elements into your marketing strategy. You should have eye-catching graphics for your podcast episodes. Your podcast thumbnail attracts people to your show, so you want it to be well-designed, appropriate for your niche, and to stand out – in a good way. Your email newsletters should be easy to navigate and full of shareable eye candy.  

The keys to successful podcast marketing are staying consistent, being dedicated to your craft, continuing to refine your content, and patiently implementing the strategies in this article. With about four million active podcasts out here, you may feel like it is impossible to gain some traction. There is a lot of noise, but keep producing high-quality content and conversations. You got this! As your podcast gains momentum, you may find yourself naturally gravitating toward social media, but until then, enjoy the process and the growth that comes with taking the road less traveled. 

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Eva Wilson

Podcaster, Blogger, and Author

About Eva
About Don

Eva Wilson, J.D. is a  founder, podcaster, author, international speaker, and blogger with over a decade of experience with writing, brand collaborations, and building online communities.

Don Wilson is an investor, speaker, start-up mentor, and award-winning product leader with over 20 years of experience in technology and small business consulting.

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